DENIES ACCUSATION—Gov. Ronald Reagan of California emphasizes a point while talking to newsmen in Sacramento.

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Pearson Report a Lie, Reagan Says

SACRAMENTO. Calif. P-homosexuals in his staff for A published report that two of approximately six months and his former staff members did not act regarding them unwere part of "a homosexual til he was pressured . . . The ring" in Sacramento was de-public is entitled to know the scribed yesterday by Gov.facts about a man who has Ronald Regan as a "scurriambitions to become Presilous" and "ridiculous" lie. Ident of the United States."

The report was carried by In a special column disWashington columnist Drew tributed nationwide and printPearson. Reagan called Pear-led in some areas yesterday, son an untrustworthy reporter Pearson said Reagan received proved wrong many times. evidence last winter and "did "He's lying," Reagan said. not move to clear up his office "I THINK Drew Pearson until last August when certain shouldn't be using a type-members of his staff were writer and paper. He's better abruptly dropped."

with a pencil on outbuilding Pearson did not name aaywalls." jone allegedly involved, and no In Washington. Pearson renames were mentioned at leased a statement saying: Reagan's news conference. "The facts in this case are incontrovertible and he knows it. He has been posing as Mr. Clean and yet tolerated two